This site is no longer being updated. My workshops are still available to download below - but you can find the latest versions, and more, over at my improv resources site - with my script also available at my new author site!
I created these drama workshop programs as other ways to develop drama skills over a set teaching period, without the pressure of a full theatrical production at the end. Children graduate from these programs with a final performance of sorts to mark the end of the journey, but this can happen in front of each other instead of in front of a big audience.
These programs are all freely available for download and use under an Attribution-ShareAlike license. I’m making them available online mainly because I’d like to see them get used and enjoyed in other school, camp, or youth theatre productions. You have my permission to download them, tweak them to meet your own needs, and perform them. You may also like to make a donation - I recommend £20 / $30 for lifetime usage.

Superhero Academy
This is a program of 5 1-3 hour workshops, over which students learn skills in character development and stage fighting. They combine these to create an original superhero alter ego who is deployed in an action-packed show on the final day. This will work best for ages 5-12. If choosing between this and the Spy Bootcamp program, I’d suggest using this for slightly younger groups.
Workshop plan available free of charge. Suggested donation £20 / $30 for lifetime usage, payable here. Many thanks!

Spy Bootcamp
This is a program of 5 1-3 hour workshops, over which recruits learn all the key skills needed to become a spy: disguise, quick thinking, and combat. All of these are deployed in an action-packed show on the final day. This will work best for ages 8-15. If choosing between this and the Superhero Academy program, I’d suggest using this for slightly older groups.
Workshop plan available free of charge. Suggested donation £20 / $30 for lifetime usage, payable here​. Many thanks!

Improv Masterclass
This is a series of improv workshops aimed at beginners of a 7-15 age range. It consists of six “days” containing 1-3 hours of teaching material each. It begins by building the basic skills and confidence needed to improvise, in a non-intimidating way, before leading to some fun classic improv games, and even a fully improvised show.
Workshop plan available free of charge. Suggested donation £20 / $30 for lifetime usage, payable here​. Many thanks!